Tuesday, July 27, 2004

N'other Day At The Range

Today was a nice a sunny and hot day. The M249 SAW gunners and M240 Bravo gunners had to go to the range and zero and qualify with their weapons. I had alittle rough time doing this, we all have our bad shooting days. Even the best shooters in the world have days where it seems they can do everything perfect and the bullets wont go where they want them too. Somehow, we ran out of SAW ammunition, so not everything got to qualify with their SAWs. Good job, XO. However, the 240 gunners had PLENTY of ammo and they all got to qualify with their machine guns. This training and live fires and CQB (Close Quarter Battle) training we've been doing has been alot of fun, but it's really making me tired. I get back from the range at 7:30pm and I just wanna take a shower and go to sleep, but I have things to get squared away before I can do that.