Sunday, June 06, 2004

A Great American Passes Away & IP Control Cities

We lost a great American yesterday. Former President Ronald Reagan died at the age of 94. Regardless of what your political views are, you still should give credit where credit is due.

Ronald Reagan took office during a very uncertain time in America. Russia had invaded Afghanistan, it was an uncertain time whether Democracy was really stronger than Communism, and the economy was not good. When Reagan left the office, the Soviet Union fell and America had her pride in herself restored. He left a better world for us. He made miscalculations also during his presidency, however, he was human just like any of us. Even Bill Clinton had enormous respect for Ronald Reagan. My family being Irish, and all democrats, didn't like Ronald Reagan, so that passed onto me, until I watch history channel and read about him that I realize all the great accomplishments he made. Rest in Peace Ronald.

IP now take over control of Kufa and Najaf, and US Forces and Militia withdraw from the embattled cities. This is a great development, and shows the Iraqis are capable of carrying the mantle. The US military should just give up on trying to get this lunatic Al-Sadr. The IP are the ones that should arrest this guy. If an Iraqi judge was the one who put a warrant out for Al-Sadr, I think the police need to execute the arrest. Me and my buddies say this is what happens when you send in the military to do a policing job. Our job is to defeat an enemy in combat, not arresting him. If you are going to have soldiers making arrests, expect them to do soldier things. What should be done is just have a police force there, withdraw all military forces, keep them on standby. If the Police get in trouble, send in the military to take care of business. Though, a bunch of Iraqis expressed to me fear of the US leaving before the job was finished. My Good friend Aisa who was one of the guards for a former Iraqi general for the Regime told me he feared the US military leaving Baghdad.